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Our Mission

Drawing on a rich tradition of Quaker values and practices, Princeton Friends School is committed to creating a diverse, vibrant learning community in which young people engage their natural curiosity; discover and express their individual voices and gifts; acquire intellectual, physical, artistic, and life skills; and develop a sense of responsibility for themselves and others. Princeton Friends both prepares students for the world that is and models possibilities for the society that these young people will one day help to create.


Respect for All
Lifelong Learning
Responsibility in the World

Our Core Values

There are three principles we are committed to living every day at Princeton Friends School: 

  • Respect for All: We honor the unique gifts of every individual as we celebrate the diversity of human experience.
  • Lifelong Learning: Intellectual growth and discovery are the work of a lifetime.
  • Responsibility in the World: We are committed to living in harmony with the Quaker testimonies of simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality, and stewardship.