Family Association
Family Association
Welcome to PFS Mission & Values Our History From Head of School Equity, Justice, and Belonging Governance Meet Our Community Annual Report Employment Directions to Campus
Welcome to the PFS Family Association
At Princeton Friends School, we recognize the invaluable role of families as vibrant members of our community. As a small school, we benefit greatly from the imagination, energy, and expertise of parents and guardians who volunteer their time to enrich our students' experiences and support our faculty and staff. Family involvement has always been key to our school’s history and continued success.
When a child enrolls at PFS, their caregivers automatically become part of the Family Association (FA). The FA is at the heart of our school’s community, focusing on building connections among families and fostering a sense of belonging in line with our Quaker SPICES.
Throughout the year, the FA organizes and supports events designed with our community’s needs and interests in mind, including faculty appreciation, community-building events, FA-sponsored workshops and conversation groups, in-school events, and much more!
For more information, please email us at FA@princetonfriends.org.
FAQs about the FA
All families of enrolled children are automatically part of the FA. The FA is also guided by a non-hierarchal team of parent/caregiver volunteers known as the FA Coordinating Committee, who help ensure FA initiatives run smoothly and work to ensure family members find meaningful ways to engage based on their interests, time, and talents and that all families feel a sense of belonging in our community.
- Co-Clerks
- Event Co-Chairs (Fundraising Chair, Community & Belonging Chair)
- Event-Specific Chairs
- Faculty Appreciation Chair(s)
- Grade-Level Class Representatives
- Recorder
- Spring Fling Chair & Committee
- Technology & Marketing Chair
- Treasurer
- Hoopla Welcome Back Picnic
- Monthly Pizza Lunches for Students
- Faculty Appreciation Brunches
- Teacher Appreciation Week Celebration
- Princeton Common Ground Lecture Series
- Trunk-or-Treat
- Gently Used Sale
- Blairstown Gear Swap
- Frolics with Friends (Informal events hosted by members of the community intended to FRIENDraise and FUNDraise)
- Annual Spring Fling Fundraiser
- And much more!
The Family Association supports Princeton Friends School and focuses foremost on community-building, ensuring our work aligns with our Quaker SPICES. To accomplish this, we organize and host events throughout the year with the interests and needs of our community in mind and support school-hosted events, too. We also work to raise funds that support faculty appreciation initiatives, student and family events, and school improvements through various initiatives.