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Miles Brackin Memorial Fund

Miles Brackin was an 8th grade student and a dear friend to our community. He embodied the best of PFS. His kind heart, inquisitive mind, and playful spirit touched each of us. He loved his family and was a loyal companion to his friends. Until the very end, Miles gave to others. His mother, Deb, reflected, "I loved his engineer brain, his generous, loving heart and his childlike soul, even though he was 13 now. We donated his organs. His science brain would have been interested and intrigued. His kind heart would rejoice at the opportunity to help others, and his recycling wish and drive to improve the world for everyone would love that we reused what we could."

To honor Miles, a fund has been established to carry on his memory. Miles loved science and wanted to learn more about robotics. To honor him the Brackin family have asked that donations be designated toward this effort. 

Miles Brackin Memorial Fund


“I adore all of my kids, but he was one of the great lights of my life. He and I hugged, a real, tight, all-in hug and told him I loved him SO much every single day we were together. Probably weekly I told him I was so grateful for the gift of getting him.”

- Deb Brackin